Wherever clients are located, and whatever sectors client operate in, ShineWing International member firms have access to a pool of 42,000+ professionals in 100+ countries to instantly source the very best experts and teams to provide as much weight, insight or business credentials, as each client’s project requires.


about tyteoh
Registered Auditor
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Strength Beyond Figures™
Founded in 2002, ShineWing TY TEOH is a leading regional chartered accountants, tax, transfer pricing, valuation and consulting firm, ranked Top 15 largest in Malaysia by Malaysia Survey of International Accounting Bulletin , with office presences in Malaysia to provide a diverse spectrum of business solutions and consulting services to the corporate client including Audit and Assurance, BPO and Business Advisory, China Desk, Digital Transformation and Data Analytic, Family Office & Private Client Services, Financial & Transaction Advisory, Market Entry Advisory, Migration Advisory, Offshore Advisory, Risk & Governance Advisory, Singapore Desk, Tax Advisory, Transfer Pricing Advisory and Valuation Advisory.

Our clientele includes public listed companies, Fortune 500 companies, multi-national corporations, local small and medium companies representing a cross section of major industries including Aerospace Engineering, Agriculture, Chemicals, Cities, Infrastructure & Industrial Solutions, Construction and Property Development, FMCG, Content and Media, Education and Industrial Training, Electrical and Electronics, Energy, Engineering Support, Entertainment, Environment and Water, Food and Sustainable Resources, Healthcare, Hotel & Hospitality, Non-Profit Organizations, Lifestyle Products and Services, Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Machinery and Equipment, Manufacturing, Marine and Offshore Engineering, Medical Technology and Devices, Metal, Natural Resources, Oil and Gas, Petrochemical, Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology, Plantation, Professional Services, Research and Development, Rubber, Safety and Security, Textiles, Woods.

Our leaders and staff strength combine Malaysia, Singapore, UK, Australia, New Zealand qualified Chartered Accountant, Chartered Financial Analyst, Chartered Quantity and Valuation Surveyor and Certified Financial Planner.

ShineWing TY TEOH is Approved and Registered Auditors of:
  1. Public Company Accounting Oversight Board, USA;
  2. Labuan Financial Services Authority, Malaysia.
and Authorised Training Employers for ICAEW, CPA Australia, CPA Malaysia and ACCA.

ShineWing TY TEOH is an independent member firm of ShineWing International and Praxity.

ShineWing International is a global network of independent accounting and consulting firms, consistently ranked as Top 20 largest international accounting network by World Survey of International Accounting Bulletin.

Praxity is an award-winning alliance of global independent accountancy, tax and business consulting firms, and the world’s largest alliance of independent accounting firms by World Survey of International Accounting Bulletin. Praxity has 64 participating firms in 103 countries with 630 locations and 42,000 professionals.

Today, we operate as one resource hub across all offices in Malaysia and adopt “One Management Team” concept which smoothes inter-branches or offices communication, staff mobility, work methodology and decision-making without any delay.

Given the years, our faster growth and success are largely contributed to our philosophy:

“We always place ourselves in your position when looking into your practical problems and emphasize on the importance of mutual understanding and communication between our working team and your organisation in order to comprehend your problems better and to tailor make more effective and efficient solutions to smooth out your business operations and overcome your company hurdle.”

True to our Slogan “Strength Beyond Figure ®”, our emphasis on the specific needs of your business is definitely more than just figures!


SW Logo
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Let the Wing of Faith Permanently Glitter
ShineWing TY TEOH is an independent member firm of SW International.

Headquartered in Beijing, SW is the largest domestic accounting and consulting firm in China with 19 offices and 5000 staff.

When China moved to allow foreign accounting firms to establish a presence in China in the 90s, Coopers & Lybrand, led by Managing Partner Mr Zhang Ke, formed a joint venture with CITIC – Coopers & Lybrand China.

Following the merger between Price Waterhouse and Coopers & Lybrand in 1999, some of the partners of the original CITIC joint venture established a new firm called ShineWing.

With belt and road initiative in China, ShineWing International (“SWI”) was initiated in Year 2014 and established as a global network of independent accounting and consulting firms in Year 2015. SWI is consistently ranked as Top 20 largest accounting network by the World Survey of International Accounting Bulletin (IAB).

Well-positioned in the Asia-Pacific region, SW plans to take further steps to expand into Europe, North America, Africa, Middle East and Latino America. With the progressive expansion, SW was just selected as the winner for the category “Rising Star Network” for the International Accounting Bulletin (IAB) Awards 2015.

SW member firms provide assurance, business advisory, corporate finance, and tax consulting services to clients. Each member firm is well established as a leader in its local region and is known for their local knowledge and expertise cohered by their international experience. https://sw.international/


about praxity
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Truly local yet totally global

ShineWing TY TEOH is an independent member firm of Praxity.

Praxity consistently ranked as the Top 10 largest accounting association in the world and the biggest alliance of independent accountancy and consulting firms. A not-for-profit association, Praxity facilitates the sharing of expertise among its participant firms around the world.

Each participant firm hand-picks expert advisers from nearly 42,000 professionals from 630 locations in over 100 countries. These expert advisers work together seamlessly in multidisciplinary teams across international borders to meet every client need. Praxity has 64 participating firms with a combined turnover of USD 4.5 billion. Collectively, Praxity have achieved the greatest revenue growth in the profession.



about founder
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People Build Culture
At ShineWing TY TEOH, we extremely value our staff and believe that they are an essential investment as we believe that people build culture, we hence believe that the best way to build and improve our quality of services to you is to continuously invest in our people”.

“The continual development and maintenance of strong relationship between the management and staff is one of the most important key element for people-focused culture where we emphasis on ongoing communication through regular staff meeting to ensure that workloads and deadlines are managed effectively, tasks are assigned according to the competency of the staff, without placing unrealistic expectations on them.”

“The contribution of our staff to the firm will always be recognised as we do regular reviews and evaluation on the job assigned and have a yearly comprehensive staff evaluation where promotions are determined on the basis of experiences, competencies and capabilities. Our appraisal evaluation is operated in two-way where we also listen to what staff have to say and how we can assist them to further their studies or achieve their career objective.”

“We believe the life has to be balanced between works and social, therefore we, other than place great emphasis on providing a challenging work environment, intensive on-job trainings, in-house or external seminars for our staff, maintain a fun and energetic atmosphere through regular fun social and sport events.”

“Our executive directors maintain an open door policy that ensures open communication within the firm, where everyone can seek advice at any time.”

Our Corporate Brand
“Our logo consists of three dialogues representing our emphasis on the importance of mutual understanding and communication between our working team and your organisation in order to comprehend your problems better and to deliver more effective and efficient solutions. The tone of our logo from pea green or nattier blue to sap green presents our acknowledgement and understanding of you from the very beginning and deepening as our business relationship grows.”

Messages from Founder