We are more than just an Accountant, with our expertise in various industries, we tailor-made the right solutions for your business.
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Putting Your Puzzle Pieces Together

Businesses change rapidly, with the tools at factory, hands on the deck, you may need another hand from an expert to ensure you achieve the success you deserve.


With ShineWing TY TEOH, your management team is surrounding with 42,000 excellent accountants and advisors covering more than 100 countries to put your puzzle pieces together to emphasize on the specific needs of your business from the start-up, business expansion and eventually, the exit.


Whenever your business takes you, we will be alongside you !


Today tax has become an integral factor in business costing. Almost all business strategies and decision- making are affected by tax rules and regulations and companies always face a daunting task managing their tax requirements.

We offer well-crafted tax solutions and strategies to suit your organisation through identifying appropriate tax structure and tax incentive.

Our expertise in tax policies, up-to-date knowledge on tax issues or case, familiarity with the local practise of tax authorities and its development from time to time will optimise company’s or group’s tax benefits which in turn can significantly benefit your overall business in term of operation, profitability and competitiveness.

Our expertise include:

  • Corporate Income Tax Compliance
  • Sales & Service Tax (SST) and e-Invoicing and Middleware Integration Advisory
  • International Tax and Cross-border Tax Planning
  • International Withholding Tax studies
  • Group Relief, Group Tax Restructuring and Dividend Repatriation
  • Double Taxation Agreement (DTA) studies
  • Real Property Gain Tax (RPGT) Advisory
  • Indirect Tax Planning including Custom Tax, Import and Excise Duty, Sales Tax and Service Tax including but not limited to Licence Manufacturing Warehouse (LMW), Sales Tax Exemption, Sales Tax Deduction Facility, Import Duty Exemption, Service Tax on Imported Service, Designated Area, Special Area etc.
  • Tax Investigation and Tax Field Audit including Pre-tax Field Audit Review
  • Stamp Duty Planning and Stamp Duty Exemption Application
  • Expatriate Tax Advisory
  • Resident or Non-resident Personal Tax Compliance
  • Tax Exemption and Incentive Applications including but not limited to Double Tax Deduction, Industrial Building Allowance, Pioneer Status, Investment Tax Allowances, Reinvestment Allowances, Approved Service Projects and Export Incentives, Incentive For Principal Hub and International Trading Company, Malaysia Digital (MD) status, Iskandar Malaysia (IM), East Coast Economic Region (ECER), Northern Corridor Economic Region (NCER), Sabah Development Corridor (SDC), Sarawak Corridor Renewable Energy (SCORE), Incentive For Less-Developed Areas, Green Technology Projects, Green Technology Services, Green Technology Assets for Own Consumption, Green Technology Projects for business, Manufacture Of Electric Vehicle Charging Equipment, Approved Bionexus Status, Contract R&D Company, R&D Company, In-house R&D, Commercialization Of Resource-Based R&D Findings, Incentives For Shipping Industry, Incentives for Mines Wellness City (MWC), Foreign Tax Credit, Incentive For Halal Park Operator or Logistics Operator, Incentive for Production of Halal Food Products, Incentives for General Investments, Incentives For Small Scale Companies, Incentives for High Technology Projects, Incentive For Automation Capital Allowance Expenditure, Angel Tax Incentive, Gas and Radiation Sterilisation Services, Cold Chain Facilities, Private Healthcare Facilities, Smart Logistics Complex (SLC) Incentive, Global Service Incentive, PIPC Special Incentive Package for The Manufacturing Sector, PIPC Special Incentive Package for Industrial Park Developer, Forest City Special Financial Zone (SFZ), Johor-Singapore Special Economic Zone (JS-SEZ) etc.