Businesses change rapidly, with the tools at factory, hands on the deck, you may need another hand from an expert to ensure you achieve the success you deserve.
With ShineWing TY TEOH, your management team is surrounding with 42,000 excellent accountants and advisors covering more than 100 countries to put your puzzle pieces together to emphasize on the specific needs of your business from the start-up, business expansion and eventually, the exit.
Whenever your business takes you, we will be alongside you !
Today, High-net-worth Individuals (HNWIs) have invested in differing types of complicated financial assets and businesses around the world. As a result, they might have people around them who they would like to protect or to whom they want part or all of their assets to be transferred to in the event of a worst case scenario or unforeseen circumstances. Unfortunately, based on our experience, most individuals neglect to put in place an organized retirement plan and a dedicated inheritance structure to ensure the continuity of their affairs, their businesses and income for the next generation.
Who can be considered HNWIs? They may include some of the characteristics as follows:
We note that Family Offices and HNWIs often face difficulties when dealing with asset management, especially when they have several types of assets in different forms and countries.
These type of portfolio makes administration a time-consuming and complicated task as it doesn’t allow for much transparency in respect of valuation of assets, income, and risk. We can help HNWIs overcome these hurdles by providing tailor-made solutions to hold and manage their assets, investments and wealth.
We will advise, analyze and structure the inheritance plan with respect to the family founder’s Will, governance and heirship’s rule. We will also put in place the appropriate structures, maintain the administration, appoint independent managers or protectors, and fulfil any accounting, legal or tax reporting obligations to the relevant authorities.
Our operational solutions are flexible and practical with a wide coverage on management and control participations, ways to protect, maintain and administer the family wealth including assets/possessions around the globe and international tax advices on transferring assets.
Our expertise include: