Businesses change rapidly, with the tools at factory, hands on the deck, you may need another hand from an expert to ensure you achieve the success you deserve.
With ShineWing TY TEOH, your management team is surrounding with 42,000 excellent accountants and advisors covering more than 100 countries to put your puzzle pieces together to emphasize on the specific needs of your business from the start-up, business expansion and eventually, the exit.
Whenever your business takes you, we will be alongside you !
Entering new markets especially foreign markets are a daunting task. Miscalculation in market analysis, selection of markets and its entry methods could have a major impact on the success of this endeavor. If your company plans on expanding or relocating its businesses to new markets, let us help you with our Market Entry Advisory Services.
Our services span from market research and development of suitable entry models to smooth running of the day-to-day operations in the new market.
Our expertise include: