Featured Ideas & Insights Publications

US Desk


Thinking of going listed aboard on US Stock Exchange for either a better valuation and liquidity or gateway to international market to leverage global growth?
Thinking of going listed aboard on US Stock Exchange for either a better valuation and liquidity or gateway to international market to leverage global growth?

Our US Desk has been setup to support and facilitate those Asia-based companies interested in going listed aboard on US Stock Exchange.

Our US Desk is well connected with our member firms or strategic partners throughout the US to act as a single point of contact to manage your cross-border projects in direct coordination with your team and assist your IPO path to success in US.

What We Do

Our expertise include:
  • US GAAP Reporting including the Preparation of SEC Form, Quarterly Announcement and Annual Financial Statement in accordance with
    US GAAP Financial Reporting Framework;
  • Identifying Key Differences Between IFRS and US GAAP and Converting IFRS to US GAAP and Assisting in the Calculation of Necessary
  • Preparing Interim or Annual US GAAP and SEC Disclosure Checklist and Management Analysis and Discussions;
  • US GAAP Technical Accounting Memorandum on Complex and Unusual Accounting Transactions;
  • SOX (Sarbanes Oxley) Reporting including the setting up of COSO Framework to Address Major Elements of Internal Controls such as
    the Control Environment, Risk Assessment, Control Activities, Information/Communication, and Monitoring Activities to meet the
    requirements of 404a – Management’s Responsibility for Establishing and Maintaining Adequate Internal Control For Financial Reporting
    or 404b – Independent Auditor’s Responsibility for Attesting to and Reporting on Management’s Assessment of Internal Control.
  • Introducing and Pitching a Target Companies to Potentially Match with a Right SPACs (Special Purpose Acquisitions Companies) for
    Acquisition and Merger.
  • American National Standard Business Valuation by Certified Valuation Analyst (CVA) of National Association of Certified Valuators and
    Analysts (NACVA) for the purpose of Financial Reporting, Initial Public Offering (IPO), Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) and SPACs.

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Advisory Featured Ideas & Insights Publications

Why Considering Outsourcing as You Have Bigger Fish to Fry

Why Considering Outsourcing as You Have Bigger Fish to Fry

You might have more important business strategies to execute – “bigger fish”, by outsourcing business processes, it can help to redeploy your valuable resources towards “bigger fish” to achieve your strategic goals and objectives.

Why You Should Consider Staff Placement Services

Why considering staff placement services? Today the business is dynamic, you might want to fully redeploy your human resources towards a more important business task to achieve your strategic goals and objectives, by leveraging our highly skills and experienced human resources to assist your organisation’s statutory compliance, you can focus on your operation in more efficient and effective way.

We have pool of professional staff with knowledge, experience and expertise to assist your internal fuction (i.e accounting, administrations, human resources etc.). We are able to assign our professional staffs to your office for a certain period as per your business needs. Our staff placement services will help you in the following situations:-

  • You need temporary replacement after your staff has resigned;
  • You need professional and experience staff to clear accounting backlogs and get your accounts updated;
    • unidentified and unmatched trade spend and goods return
    • long outstanding and accumulated suspense, clearing, other debtors and creditors account balances,
    • bank statement reconciliation or monthly/annual accounts.
  • You are facing peak period which is temporary in nature (e.g annual budgeting, rapid expansion etc) and need extra hands to expedite the process;
  • Your existing staff participate in special projects (such as restructuring, merger, acquisition, listing exercise, system migration etc) and require temporary helping hands to focus on routine functions;
  • Your existing staff are on long leave due to illness, personal reasons or temporary re-assignment;
  • You need highly skills, experience professional and reliable staff that will always ensure your organisation are in full compliance with regulatory requirement in an accurate and timely mannerly;
  • You are at early stage companies and rarely require full-time accounting employees for accounting task as the worload is small.

What Benefits Our Staff Placement Services to Your Business

  • Redeploy your valuation human resources to a more important business task to achieve your business strategic goals and objectives;
  • Minimum re-training costs on the changes of GST/VAT, Accounting Standards and other relevant regulation and acts;
  • Lower your fixed costs on maintaining a pool of compliance teams; and
  • Lower recruitment costs on hiring your compliance team;

What We Do

  • Accounting Services and Function
  • Payroll Services and Human Resource Administration
  • Outsourcing CFO Functions
  • Compilation of Unaudited Financial Statement
  • Preparation of filing XBRL (Extensible Business Reporting Language)
  • Provision of Treasury Functions
  • Executive Recruitment and Search

Why ShineWing TY TEOH

  • Our staff strength combine Singapore, Malaysia, UK, and Australia Chartered Accountants;
  • More than 150 experienced accounting professionals who bring the different set of technical skills and expertise and with different industry experiences;
  • Strong track records, e.g. delivered more than 10,000 financial report;
  • Experienced in handling BPO in different countries’ governing law and jurisdiction.
Featured Ideas & Insights Publications Tax

Why Labuan?

Why Labuan?

If your business models may optimise use of offshore structure, so why might an onshore investment if it carries lesser advantages as compared to offshore investment? The Labuan company is only taxed at 3% on its audited profit.


1. Corporate Tax 3%

The Labuan Business Activity Tax (Requirements for Labuan Business Activity) Regulation 2021 has been gazetted on 22 November 2021 and are deemed to have come into operation on 1 January 2019, a Labuan company carrying on a Labuan business activity is only subject to tax at the rate of 3% of net profit PROVIDED that it has fulfilled the requirement of the number of full time employees and an amount of annual operating expenditure as specified in the Schedule below:
Labuan Company Carrying on a Labuan Business Activity
Minimum Number of Full Time Employees in Labuan
Minimum Amount of Annual Operating Expenditure in Labuan (RM)
Labuan Insurer, Labuan reinsurer, Labuan takaful operator or Labuan retakaful operator



Labuan underwriting manager or Labuan underwriting takaful manage


Labuan insurance manager or Labuan takaful manager
Labuan insurance broker or Labuan takaful broker



Labuan captive insurer or Labuan captive takaful –
  1. Labuan first party captive insurer or Labuan first party captive takaful; or
  2. Labuan third party captive insurer or Labuan third party captive takaful.





Labuan bank, Labuan investment bank, Labuan Islamic bank or Labuan Islamic investment bank



Labuan trust company


Labuan leasing company or Labuan Islamic leasing company
  1. 10 or less related Labuan leasing companies or Labuan Islamic leasing companies;
  2. 11 to 20 related Labuan leasing companies or Labuan Islamic leasing companies;
  3. 21 to 30 related leasing companies or Labuan Islamic leasing companies;
  4. More than 30 related Labuan leasing companies or Labuan Islamic leasing companies

2 per group

3 per group


4 per group

Increase of 1 employee for every additional 10 related companies or Labuan Islamic leasing companies;

100,000 for each Labuan leasing company or Labuan Islamic leasing companies;
100,000 for each Labuan leasing company or Labuan Islamic leasing companies;
100,000 for each Labuan leasing company or Labuan Islamic leasing companies;
100,000 for each Labuan leasing company or Labuan Islamic leasing companies;

Labuan credit token company or Labuan Islamic credit token company


Labuan development finance company or Labuan Islamic development finance company



Labuan building credit company or Labuan Islamic factoring company


Labuan factoring company or Labuan Islamic factoring company



Labuan money broker or Labuan Islamic factoring company


Labuan fund manager



Labuan securities license or Labuan Islamic securities license


Labuan fund administrator



Labuan company management
  • provision of treasury processing services and such other services as defined in Section 129 of the Labuan Financial Services and Securities Act 2010.



Labuan International Financial Exchange



Self-regulatory organisation or Islamic self-regulation organisation


Labuan entity that carries on any one or more of the following business activity:
  1. administrative services – services pertaining to employee management, payroll management, property management, human resource management, financial planning, contract or subcontract management, facilities management or proposal management.*
  2. accounting services – services pertaining to recording, analysing, summarizing or classifying financial, commercial and business transactions and information of a person or business.*
  3. legal services
    i. conveyancing services*
    ii. legal advisory services*
    iii. litigation or legal representation services in any proceedings before any court, tribunal or other authority
    iv. legal dispute resolution services including alternative dispute resolution.
  4. backroom processing services – services relating to settlements of receivables and payables, clearance, record maintenance, regulatory compliance or information technology (IT) related services which are usually performed by administration and support personnel who do not deal directly with client.
  5. Payroll services – services relating to
    i. processing, calculation, payment and deduction of remuneration, benefits, tax and statutory payment
    ii. issuance of payslip and tax statement
  6. talent management services – services relating to the provision of human resource services to attract, onboard, develop, motivate, and retain employees.*
  7. agency services – services relating to the provision of specific services on behalf of another group, business, or person pursuant to an agency agreement between the agent and its client.*
  8. insolvency related services – services related to administering company liquidations or winding up or personal bankruptcy.*
  9. management services other than Labuan company management under item 17
    – organization and coordination of activities of a business in order to provide services to the clients and usually consist of organizing, supervising, monitoring, planning,controlling and directing business’s resources such as human, financial and technology*
*As per Frequently-Asked Questions (FAQ) on Labuan Business Activity Tax (Requirements for Labuan Business Activity) Regulations 2021 [P.U. (A) 423/2021] issued by Labuan Financial Services Authority (LOFSA) dated 14 December 2021.*



Labuan entity that undertakes investment holding activities other than pure equity holding activities



Labuan entity that undertakes pure equity holding activities
Exempted under the Labuan Business Activity Tax (Exemption) Order 2020 [P.U (A) 177/2020]


Management And Control Requirement For Labuan Entity That Undertakes Pure Equity Holding Activities

Regulation 3, The Labuan Business Activity Tax (Requirements for Labuan Business Activity) Regulation 2021 which is deemed to have come into operation on 1 January 2021, requires the above mentioned company to comply with the following:
  1. meeting of the board of directors is convened in Labuan at least once a year;
  2. the registered office of the Labuan entity shall be situated in Labuan;
  3. the secretary of the Labuan entity appointed under the Labuan Companies Act 1990 shall be resident in Labuan;
  4. the accounting and business records including the minutes of meeting of the Labuan entity’s board of directors shall be kept in Labuan;

Income derived from intellectual property rights is subject to tax at the rate of 17% or 24% under Income Tax Acts 1967(“ITA”)

With effect from 1 Jan 2019, under Income Tax (Deductions Not Allowed for Payment Made to Labuan Company by Resident) Rules 2018 (Amendment) 2020, the following type of payments made to a Labuan Entity by a company resident in Malaysia are not entitled to a tax deduction:

Type of payment
Minimum Amount of Annual Operating Expenditure in Labuan (RM)
Interest payment
Lease rental
Other payments


No service tax shall be charged on any taxable service provided within or between Special Areas and Designated Areas unless on the taxable services prescribed in the Service Tax (Imposition of Tax for Taxable Service in Respect of Designated Areas and Special Areas) Order 2018.


There is no withholding tax on dividends paid by a Labuan Company in respect of dividends distributed out of income derived from Labuan business activities or income exempt from income tax. Interest, royalties, lease rental, technical fee and management fees paid to a non- resident are not subject to withholding tax.


This may include but not limited to transfer of share, etc.



Labuan Company enjoys the benefits of more double taxation treaties than any other offshore company as it almost enjoys same full double taxation benefit as Malaysia company except for fourteen (14) of those 78 countries, and it can enjoy full treaty benefit even with those fourteen (14) countries by incorporating a Malaysian domestic subsidiary company.

Malaysia has entered into Double Taxation Agreements with various countries as follows:-
Double Taxation Agreements-01
^ Limited Agreements
# Income Tax Exemption Order
@ Synthesized text
Currently, Labuan has been specifically excluded from Double Taxation Agreement with the countries as follows:-
Double Taxation Agreements-02





Labuan Company
BVI Company
Labuan is low-tax jurisdiction country.
BVI is tax-free jurisdiction country.

Certain home country may impose the income tax law on incomes deriving from offshore, if they have not been taxed offshore, particularly, when they are remitted back, this may appy to BVI Co but not Labuan Co as it pays minimum tax.

Labuan Co enjoys more than 70 countries’ double tax treaties (DTAs).

BVI enjoys only 2 countries’ (Japan and Switzerland) double tax treaties (DTAs), and these treaties are not used in practise.

Dividend declared from Labuan Co to Malaysia is free of tax.

Dividend declared from BVI co may subject to income tax.

Note: If the company is Non-Malaysian Co, the tax exemption will depend on each home country’s law jurisdiction and its double tax treaties with Malaysia.

No withholding tax on interest payment.

BVI has applied the European Union (EU) Savings Directive since 1 July 2005. A withholding tax (initially 15%, rising to 20% from 1 July 2008) has been applied to interest payments to natural persons resident within the EU.

Labuan has its registered auditor under its jurisdiction. The income tax payable is allowed to base on the audited profit, the source of income is cleared for reinvestment or dividend purpose, once it is paid.

BVI has no registered auditor under its jurisdiction.


1) Labuan Leasing Company or Labuan Islamic Leasing Company

Suitable Industries

  • Vessel, aircraft, shipping, oil & gas, high value assets co.

Tax Advantages

  • Income tax is only 3% of net profit
  • Dividend income received by Labuan Co is exempted from tax.
  • No withholding tax on dividend declared And lease rental made by Malaysian subsidiaries or 3rd Party Malaysian Co.

2) Investment Holding Company

Suitable Industries :

  • Investment holding or offshore investment.

Tax Advantages

  • Dividend income received by Malaysian Parent Co(1)  or Labuan Co is exempted from tax.
  • No withholding tax on dividend declared by Labuan Co to either Malaysian or Foreign Parent Co.
  • No withholding tax on interest charged by Malaysian or Foreign Parent Co to Labuan Co.
  • No Capital Gain Tax and stamp duty for the transfer of shares in Labuan Co, e.g. dispose the investment in Foreign Manufacturing Co by selling Labuan Co.
  • Enjoys double tax treaties with more than 70 countries via a Labuan Co.

3) Captive Insurance

Suitable Industries :

  • Captive Insurance

Tax Advantages

Income tax is only 3% of net profit

  • Dividend income received by Malaysian Parent Co(1) is exempted from tax.
  • No withholding tax on dividend declared by Labuan Captive Insurance Co.
  • Enjoys double tax treaties with more than 70 countries via a Labuan Co.

4) Offshore Financing

Suitable Industries :

  • Fund managers

Tax Advantages

  • Income from investment is exempted from tax for Labuan Co.
  • Dividend from Labuan Co is exempted from tax.
  • No withholding tax either on dividend declared by or interest charged from Labuan Co to Labuan Funds.
  • Distribution from Labuan Funds to investors is not subject to withholding tax.
  • Enjoys double tax treaties with more than 70 countries via a Labuan Co.

Other Advantages

  • Lower cost of funds.
  • Liberal Labuan exchange control environment.
  • Debt instruments of Labuan Co may be listed.
Investment Funds 投资基金
Islamic Financing 伊斯兰融资
Featured Ideas & Insights Publications Tax

Labuan GIFT Programme for International Commodity Trading

Labuan GIFT Programme for International Commodity Trading

GIFT Programme provides tax rate of 3% on qualifying income to increase its competitiveness as a centre for international trading companies.


The Global Incentives for Trading (GIFT) Programme is tax incentives to encourage the traders to use Malaysia as an international base for specified types of commodities to be conducted on in, from or through Labuan, Malaysia.
Global Incentives For Trading (GIFT) Programme
Eligibility Entities
  1. Labuan Entities licensed as a Labuan International Commodity Trading Company (LITC).
  2. Traditional commodities such as petroleum and petroleum-related products. The specified trading of physical products and related derivative are as follows:-
    • Petroleum and petroleum-related products (including liquefied natural gas (LNG);
    • Mineral;
    • Agricultural products;
    • Refined raw materials;
    • Chemicals;
    • Base minerals; and
    • Coal.

Incentive Commitment

  1. Minimum annual turnover of USD 50 million;
  2. Substantial Activity Requirements for Labuan International Commodity Trading Company (LITC) under the GIFT Programme :-
Labuan Entities Annual operating expenditures
Labuan International Commodity Trading Company.

  1. 5 or less related LITC companies.
  2. Every incremental of 5 related LITC companies.
RM3,000,000 (USD 750,000) per entity in Malaysia (including minimum of RM100,000 (USD 25,000) in Labuan).

RM3,000,000 (USD 750,000) per entity in Malaysia (including minimum of RM100,000 (USD 25,000) in Labuan).

Local business spending including:
  • Freight charges
  • Bank charges
  • Commissions
  • Depreciations
  • Entertainment
  • Insurance costs
  • Professional fees
  • Rental of office space
  • Skills development fund
  • Telecommunications
  • Transport and travel
  • Utilities
  • Warehousing and storage fees
  • Manpower costs
  • Office maintenance
Labuan Entities Minimum number of full time employees in Labuan
Labuan International Commodity Trading Company.

  1. 5 or less related LITC companies.
  2. Every incremental of 5 related LITC companies.

2 staff per group.

Increase of 1 employee for every additional 5 LITC companies.

c. To employ at least three (3) professional traders who are tax residents of Malaysia.

Operational Requirements

LITC to have the following functions (but not limited to) in Malaysia:
  1. Strategic management;
  2. Banking;
  3. Finance and treasury management;
  4. Risk management;
  5. Market research and product portfolio development;
  6. Logistics management;
  7. Global procurement;
  8. Marketing and sales planning.
Location for consideration
Operating and/or marketing office can be based anywhere in Malaysia.
  1. 3% on audited chargeable profits;
  2. 100% tax exemption on director fees paid to a non-Malaysian director;
  3. 50% tax exemption on gross employment income of non-Malaysian professional, managerial including traders with LITC;
  4. Tax exemption on dividends received by or paid from the LITC;
  5. Tax exemption on royalties received from the LITC;
  6. Tax exemption on interest received by residents or non-residents from the LITC;
  7. Stamp duty exemption on all instruments for Labuan business activities, M&A of Labuan entities and transfer of shares;
  8. No sales tax and service tax;
  9. The non-deductability rules under P.U (A) 375/2018 dated 31st December 2018 is not applicable to transactions between LITC and Malaysian resident (subject to fulfillment of the tax substantial activity requirements).

Setting up LITC Company

  1. Apply licence with Labuan FSA*
  2. Approval from Labuan FSA* obtained
  3. Incorporation of LITC
  4. Commence business

Comparision Between Labuan Gift Programme Vs Singapore Global Trader (GTP) Programme

3% on audited net profit. No renewal is required, provided that the Substances Regulations for LITC are met.
Reduced corporate rate of 5% – 10% on qualifying trading income for renewable period three (3) to five (5) years.
Qualifying commodities and products:-
  1. Petroleum and petroleum related products, including liquefied natural gas (LNG);
  2. Mineral;
  3. Agricultural products;
  4. Refined raw materials;
  5. Chemicals;
  6. Base minerals; and
  7. Coal.
  1. Electronic and electrical products;
  2. Consumer products;
  3. Building and Industrial materials;
  4. Industrials products;
  5. Energy commodities and products;
  6. Agricultural commodities and bulk edible products;
  7. Minerals;
  8. Machinery components

Physical trade that qualify under GTP:
  1. Trans-Shipment Trade;
  2. Offshore Trade;
  3. Re-Export Trade (only the non- value added portion of the trades qualify).
Business transactions
Allowed to have transactions with Malaysians for petroleum and petroleum-related products.
Transactions are only those with offshore parties or other GTP companies.
Operation cost
Lower cost of operation, wages and rental.
High cost of operation, wages and rental.
All States in Malaysia, including Iskandar Malaysia


  1. Minimum annual turnover of USD50 million;
  2. Annual operating expenditures of RM3 million (USD 750,000) payable to Malaysian residents in Ringgit Malaysia;
  3. Minimum 3 professional traders who are tax residents in Malaysia.
  1. Minimum annual turnover of USD100 million;
  2. Minimum local expenditure of SGD $3million (USD 2.3million); and
  3. Minimum 3 trading professional employed which involved in one of the following sectors: risk management, procurement/sourcing or sales and marketing.
Who can apply
Any person who intend to establish a Labuan entity to undertake international commodity trading business.
Well-established players engaged in international physical trading on principal basis and have substantial operations in Singapore and meet stringent quantitative criteria, including employment and local expenditure.
Advisory Featured Ideas & Insights Publications Tax

Why Labuan Foundation is Best Choice in Asia as Private Wealth Management Vehicle?

Why Labuan Foundation is Best Choice in Asia as Private Wealth Management Vehicle?

Labuan Foundation is probably one of the Best Choices in Asia as your wealth management vehicle.

Labuan Foundation is probably one of the Best Choices in Asia as your wealth management vehicle. While there are 21 jurisdictions worldwide which have Foundation Acts to govern wealth management activities, Labuan which is governed by the Labuan Foundation Act 2010, remains the ONLY jurisdiction in Asia. As such, your assets are protected under its own jurisdiction from the local or foreign claims and cannot be liquidated forcefully.


Labuan Foundation has other Silent Features as private wealth management vehicle as below:

Labuan Company Carrying on a Labuan Business Activity
  • A corporate body with a separate legal entity
  • Provided by the Labuan Foundations Act 2010
  • Established to manage its own property for any lawful purpose, be it for charitable or non-charitable purposes
Structure (Example)
Why Labuan Foundation-Structure


Founder has extensive control.


End beneficiaries is anonymous.

Capital Transfer

No capital requirements. Minimum endowment of USD1.00 as an initial asset at time of establishment.


No requirement for founder/councillor.

Appeal Against Transfer By Creditors

Only within the first two years of registration.

Appeal Against Inheritance Provisions

No appeal possible because of foreign laws.

Foreign Claim Or Judgment


Rights And Powers Of A Founder

Enshrined via the charters.

Holding Of Malaysian Assets For Non-charitable Foundations

May hold with Labuan FSA’s approval.

Involvement Of Corporate Body

Allowed to be appointed as :

  • Founder
  • Council (Can be natural person or a corporation)
  • Officer (Can be natural person or a corporation)
  • Beneficiary


Fixed or perpetual.


Assets returned to designated party.

Ownership Of Foundation’s Asset

Beneficiary has no legal or beneficiary ownership over the foundation’s asset.

Taxation On Income

Under Income Tax Act 1967 if include Malaysian property.
Advisory Featured Ideas & Insights Publications

International Pre IPO and IPO (Initial Public Offering) Advisory


Think of going public aboard if it would have resulted in a better share liquidity and a higher company valuation?
global standard of sustainability

Why You Should Go Public Listed Abroad?

  • Better valuation and liquidity
  • Gateway to Mainland China
  • Leveraging Mainland China’s growth
  • Well-established legal system
  • Various acceptable accounting standards
  • Sound regulatory framework
  • Free flow of capital and information
  • Advanced clearing and trading infrastructure

Pros and Cons of going On PUBLIC Listing


  • Opportunity for capital growth and new financing
  • Enlargement of shareholder base
  • Increase of shares marketability
  • Realisation of capital gains
  • Diversification of personal portfolios
  • Enhancement of corporate profile
  • Increase of corporate transparency
  • Improvement of employee incentive and commitment
  • Increase of directors’ fiduciary responsibility


  • Decrease in controlling power over the company and the need to share success with public shareholders
  • Loss of privacy of company and management
  • Time cost and initial IPO expenses during listing
  • Continuing obligations after listing
  • The need to meet shareholders’ expectation (including public minority shareholders)
  • Increase of directors’ fiduciary responsibility

Preparatory Work for ipo (initial Public Offering) Listing

Before Listing During Listing
Determine the proposed listing business or scope of the entity.
Form an internal team responsible for listing.
Plan for restructuring of the listing group.
Appoint external professional parties.
Introduce strategic investors.
Prepare and submit listing documents.
Decide to go listed or seek other forms of fund raising.
Respond to questions raised by SEHK regarding the listing documents.
Estimate the amount of funds raised through listing.
Attend listing hearings and get the approval for listing from the Listing Committee.
Determine the proposed listing business or scope of the entity.
Form an internal team responsible for listing.
Plan for restructuring of the listing group.
Appoint external professional parties.
Arrange press conference and roadshow.
Issue prospectus.

IPO Listing Process

How Has Business Registration Changed-1
Global Standard of Sustainability Reporting

Parties Involved in Listing

  • Sponsors
  • Company’s legal advisors as to Hong Kong law
  • Company’s legal advisors as to law of place of registered office
  • Legal advisors as to law of place of registered office
  • Legal advisors of sponsors and brokers as to Hong Kong law
  • Legal advisors of sponsors and brokers as to law of place of registered office
  • Reporting Accountants
  • Tax advisors
  • Valuers
  • Internal control consultants
  • Third-party industry experts
  • Printers (including Chinese and English translation)
  • Public relations firms
  • Share registrars
  • Receiving banks

Major Component of IPO Listing Expenses

  • Lawyers’ fees (including sponsors’ legal advisors, company’s legal advisors as to Hong Kong law and law of place of registered office)
  • Underwriting commission
  • Sponsors’ fees
  • Reporting Accountants’ fees
  • Internal control consultant fees
  • Public relations and roadshow fees
  • Printing fees
  • Valuer’s fees
  • Application fees to HKEX
  • Others
Set Up Payment Roll For Your New Business-1
Guide to Incorporating a Company-2

Key Areas that Management Have to Consider before going public

  • What due diligence procedures are needed?
  • How long does the listing process take?
  • What are the impacts of a private company turning into a listed company?
  • The commitments and responsibilities of the senior management?
  • Does management have sufficient knowledge and experience to manage a listed company (e.g. comply with the requirements of corporate governance and internal controls)?
  • Is it necessary to increase internal resources to cope with the listing process?
  • What is the optimal capital structure?

Common Problems During IPO Listing

Corporate Structure or Business Issues

  • Determination of the assets, businesses or entities to be included in the listing group
  • Restructuring of the human resources, management, finance and information technology systems
  • Handling of competing businesses
  • Handling of related party transactions
  • Assets valuation
  • Handling of the minority shareholders’ interests

Taxation Issues

  • Review of tax compliance
  • Feasibility of tax planning
  • Handling of the tax of employees’ warrants
  • Contact with tax authorities to confirm corporate tax status and resolve tax disputes
  • Review of the adequacy of the group’s tax reserves, e.g. land appreciation tax, corporate income tax in the business domicile, value added tax, deferred income tax, profits tax in Hong Kong, etc.

Accounting Issues

  • Revenue recognition
  • Cut-off problem of sales and purchases
  • Consolidation of financial statements of listing entities
  • Retirement benefits of employees
  • Depreciation and impairment of fixed assets
  • Capitalisation of interests
  • Valuation and amortisation of intangible assets
  • Bad debts of accounts receivables and other receivables
  • Existence and completeness of inventory records
  • Accounting for financial instruments
  • External guarantee
  • Accounting for leasing contracts
  • Accounting for government grants and subsidies
  • Qualified opinions in track record period statutory audit reports
  • Unrecorded liabilities
  • Accounting for listing expenses

Legal Issues

  • Restructuring of the listing group
  • Treatment and disclosure of legal issues and non-compliance issues for the listing group in track record Period
  • Legal titles of assets
  • Litigation and related compensations

Continuing Obligations after Listing

Upon listed, the listed company must strictly comply with the Securities and futures Ordinance and the Listing Rules to provide the public with accurate information on timely basis. The major requirements include:
signing a cheque
  • Disclosure of Inside Information
  • Financial Disclosure
  • Notices, Announcements and Circulars
  • Notifiable Transactions
  • Assets valuation
  • Connected Transactions
  • Corporate Governance Report
  • Environmental, Social and Governance Report

Corporate Teams after IPO Listing

  • Compliance Advisor
  • Company Secretary
  • Qualified Accountant
  • Authorised Representatives
  • Remuneration Committee
  • Audit Committee
  • Authorised Representatives
representing clients in meeting

Our IPO Professional Services

Pre-ipo listing

  • Assess whether the company meets the listing requirements and discuss the potential listing problems
  • Discuss the financial and accounting matters regarding the company’s restructuring
  • Discuss the financial and accounting matters regarding the company’s fund raising strategies and channels
  • Discuss the regulatory requirements and the listing process of IPO
  • Discuss the company’s basic accounting policies, preparation of financial statements, consolidation process, etc.
  • Discuss the company’s financial budget mechanism and guide based on its business development strategy
  • Disclosure of related parties transactions
  • Discuss pre-IPO capital restructuring or dividend distribution to realise the optimal composition of assets and liabilities
  • Provide internal control review services, review and assist in establishing internal control procedures on financial reporting processes
  • Provide corporate training and recommendations on improving internal control environment and procedures
  • Provide recommandations on compliance processes
  • Provide tax services and recommendations, including tax audits, tax restructuring, tax planning, etc.

DURING ipo listing

  • Prepare Accountants’ Report of the track record period, in accordance with IFRS or HKFRS and the Listing Rules of HKEX
  • Provide general assistance to the company’s sponsors, legal advisors and underwriters in the role of reporting accountants regarding the preparation of prospectus (including attending the meetings for drafting and planning, helping to review, submitting the required information and handling other matters as instructed)
  • Review the unaudited pro forma financial information
  • Review the statement of indebtedness prepared by the company
  • Review the profit and cashflow forecast prepared by the company
  • Assist the sponsors in solving queries from the regulatory authorities
  • Review the accounting policies and calculation methods adopted by the company in profit forecast
  • Comment on internal control review and corporate governance

post ipo listing

  • Act as an auditor and provide audit services
  • Review the company’s transactions in capital market such as rights issues and major acquisitions and act as reporting accountants for mergers and acquisitions or other projects
  • Review on the disclosure of the company’s financial results regularly
  • Advice on the latest updates on Listing Rules, accounting standards, financial reporting, corporate governance and other regulatory matters
  • Review the company’s internal controls and corporate governance regularly, and provide recommendations for improvement
  • Assist in the preparation of environmental, social and governance report


Note: For the Listing Criteria and Requirements on Hong Kong Stock Exchange, Singapore Stock Exchange, NYSE, NASDAQ, OTC, Australia Stock Exchange, London Stock Exchange, Borse Frankfurt Stock Exchange and Taiwan Stock Exchange, please refer to PDF.

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Featured Ideas & Insights Publications Tax

Malaysia Halal Park Opportunities

Malaysia Halal Park Opportunities

Income tax exemption for 10 years or 100% income tax exemption on capital expenditure for 5 years for all companies operating in Malaysia Halal Park.
In a bid to make Malaysia a strong competitor in the Global Halal Market, all companies that operate within the scope of the market will be given a complete exemption from income tax for a duration of 10 years or 100% income tax exemption on capital expenditure for a duration of 5 years plus an exemption on import duty on plant & equipment and raw materials and double deduction on specific expenses.


HALMAS, it is a symbol of excellence reserved for parks that perform remarkably in terms of the standard of Halal products that they produce, their level of integrity as well as safety.

Several perks, in the form of incentives are tied to this mark of notable performance. Operators, industry players and logistics service providers will enjoy these benefits, to serve as a motivating factor for new and existing players in the Halal industry.


1. Halal Park Operators

In a bid to enhance the quality of Halal parks and make them more fascinating, certain incentives are recommended, they include:

  1. Total exemption from income tax for a duration of 10 years, or 100% income tax exemption on capital expenditure for a duration of 5 years.
  2. Exclusion from payments that pertain to import duties on equipment, components, and machinery that are utilized in the Cold Room Operations in compliance with existing policies. 

2. Halal Industry Players (Manufacturers)

In a bid to reinforce the competitive prowess of Malaysia in the Global Halal Market, specifically in aspects of inward and outward investment into the country, it is suggested that certain incentives be provided for companies that operate within the Halal Park.
  1. Total exemption from income tax for a duration of 10 years, or 100% income tax exemption on capital expenditure for a duration of 5 years.
  2. Exclusion from payments that pertain to import duties on raw materials that are utilized for the development and production of halal promoted products.
  3. Double deduction on expenses that results from obtaining international quality standards including HACCP, GMP, Codex Alimentarius (food standard guidelines of FAO & WHO), Sanitation Standard Operating Procedure and regulations for compliance for export markets such as Food Traceability from farm to fork.

3. Halal Logistic Service Providers

In a bid to improve Halal Industry and Halal supply chain in Malaysia, recommended incentives that also covers logistic operators include:
  1. Total exemption from income tax for a duration of 5 years, or 100% income tax exemption on capital expenditure for a duration of 5 years.
  2. Exclusion from payments that pertain to import duties on equipment, components, and machinery that are utilized in the Cold Room Operations in compliance with existing policies.


The following qualifications are required from applicants, they must be;
  1. Have an active part in the Halal industry
    • Food & Beverages
    • Cosmetics & Personal Care
    • Halal Ingredients
    • Pharmaceutical
    • Modest Fashion
    • Medical Tourism
    • Medical Devices & Appliances
    • Muslim Friendly Hospitality
    • Logistics Services
    • Islamic Finances
    • Vaccine
  2. High value knowledge workers with at least 15% of the entire workforce, with a minimum of 2 Halal Compliance Officers inclusive.
  3. Currently taking part in recent business activities pertaining to Halal, which must comprise of a new legal entity in Malaysia.
  4. Property within the bounds of the specified area.


List of halal parks with HALMAS status:-
  1. PERDA Halal Park PERDA
  2. Penang International Halal Park
  3. Selangor Halal Hub
  4. PKFZ National Halal Park PFKZ
  5. Techpark @ Enstek
  6. Pedas Halal Park
  7. Melaka Halal Park
  8. Pasir Mas Halal Park
  9. Gambang Halal Park
  10. Sedenak Industrial Park
  11. ECER Pasir Mas Halal Park
  12. ECER Gambang Halal Park
  13. POIC Tanjung Langsat
  14. Iskandar Business Park
Featured Ideas & Insights Publications Tax

Investing In The Northern Corridor Economic Region (NCER), Malaysia

Investing In The Northern Corridor Economic Region (NCER), MALAYSIA

The Northern Corridor Economic Region (NCER) is a development plan encompassing the four Northern States of Malaysia namely Perlis, Kedah, Perak and Penang. The priority sectors in NCER are manufacturing, agriculture and bio-industries and services which include the sub-sectors of tourism, global business services and logistics & connectivity.


Major Development in NCER

The Northern Corridor Economic Region (NCER) is a development plan encompassing the four Northern States of Malaysia namely Perlis, Kedah, Perak and Penang. The priority sectors in NCER are manufacturing, agriculture and bio-industries and services which include the sub-sectors of tourism, global business services and logistics & connectivity.

The objectives of the NCER initiative include:

a) To stimulate economic growth to address the imbalances and increase inclusively;

b) To achieve balance growth in the manufacturing, agriculture, bio-industries and services sectors;

c) To enhance talents to meet the growing needs of the region;

d) Increase private sector investments and finance initiatives.

The advantages include:

a) Located within the Indonesia-Malaysia-Thailand Growth Triangle (IMT-GT);

b) NCER has hosted many multinational companies and local companies with approximately RM47.7 billion of investment in the year 2009 – 2016;

c) Year 2020, RM50 million for high impact strategic projects has been allocated to Chuping Valley Industrial Area in Perlis;

d) NCER plays a predominant role in agriculture in the NCER;

e) NCER is renowned for its rich natural and heritage attraction.


Perlis Inland Port

Perlis Inland Port

An inland port to capitalize on the border trade from southern Thailand.

  • RM0.94bil GNI per year by 2025
  • 4,056 job creation
Chuping Valley Industrial Area(CVIA)

Chuping Valley Industrial Area (CVIA)

An on-going industrial park development to transform Perlis into an industrialised state.

  • RM4.5 bil investment by 2025
  • 12,674  job creation
Kota Perdana SBEZ(KPSBEZ)

Kota Perdana SBEZ(KPSBEZ)

A mixed development comprising industrial park, logistics hub & commercial zones.

  • RM50bil total GDVby 2030
  • 21,050 job creation
Kedah Science & Technology Park (KSTP)

Kedah Science & Technology Park (KSTP)

A new industrial park that focuses on science and technology clusters located at the border region.

  • RM12.9bil total GDV by 2030
  • 23,244 job creation
Kedah Rubber City (KRC)

Kedah Rubber City (KRC)

Project that will focus on downstream rubber activities by creating a complete rubber.

  • RM9.7bil investment by 2030
  • 14,471 job creation


a) A company incorporated in Malaysia under the Companies Act 1965 or Company Act 2016;

b) The company must be undertaking a qualifying project or activity in NCER;

c) For Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), the company must submit its application to Northern Corridor Implementation Authority (NCIA) before commencing operation/production (including trial production);

d) For Domestic Direct Investment (DDI), the incentive application submitted to NCER must not more than twelve (12) months from production services of the proposed project. The company must be owned by 60% Malaysian Resident and must hold equity in 5 years within the incentive period;

e) Company is required to source minimum 50% of raw material/ components/ services produced in Malaysia. Employment of full time employee in compliance with current national policy;

f) Applicable to application received by NCIA from 17 August 2017 until 31 December 2025.


Promoted Activities
NCER Incentives

A. Manufacturing

1. Electrical & Electronic
2. Machinery & Equipment

a. Green Technology (product)

b. Medical Devices (products)

c. Automotive (products)

d.  Additive Manufacturing (products)

e. Aerospace (products)

Kedah & Perlis

1. Income tax exemption of 100% of statutory income for 10 years (5 + 5); OR

2. An allowance of 100% on the qualifying capital expenditure incurred within 10 years. This allowance will be set-off against up to 70% of the statutory income.

3. A 50% reduction of stamp duty on instruments of transfer or lease of land.
Perak & Penang

4. Income tax exemption of 70% of statutory income for 10 years (5 + 5); OR

5. An allowance of 70% on the qualifying capital expenditure incurred within 10 years. This allowance will be set-off against up to 70% of the statutory income.

B. Agriculture & Bio-Industries

a. Sustainable Agriculture

b. Processing of Agriculture Produce

c. Superfruit/ Superfood (Upstream)

d. Superfruit/ Superfood (Downstream)

e. Green Technology Services

f. Halal Industry Seed Research & Development

Kedah, Perlis, Perak & Penang

1. Unutilised allowances are allowed to be carried forward to the following years until fully utilised.

2. Import duty exemption on plant and machinery, equipment, spare parts, raw materials and components not produced locally and used directly in production activities.
C. Service

1. Tourism
2. Logistic
1. Tourism:
a. Medical Tourism
b. Hotel Business
c. Tourism Projects
d. Business Tourism

2. Logistics:
a. Warehousing
b. Freight Forwarding
c. Transportation
Kedah and Perlis only

1. Income tax exemption of 100% of statutory income for 10 years; OR

2. An allowance of 100% on the qualifying capital expenditure incurred within 10 years; AND

3. A 50% reduction of stamp duty on instruments of transfer or lease of land.
Perak and Penang Only

1. Income tax exemption of 70% of statutory income for 10 years (5+5); OR

2. An allowance of 70% on the qualifying capital expenditure incurred within 10 years.

3. Import duty exemption on plant and machinery, equipment, spare parts, raw materials and components not produced locally and used directly in production activities for Kedah, Perak, Perlis and Penang.

D. Medical Science and Science & Technology

Contract R&D
Research, development and inspection works for customers.
Kedah and Perlis only

1. Income tax exemption of 100% of statutory income for 10 years; OR

2. An allowance of 100% on the qualifying capital expenditure incurred within 5 years.
Perak and Penang only

1. Income tax exemption of 70% of statutory income  for 10 years (5 + 5); OR

2. An allowance of 70% on the qualifying capital expenditure incurred within 10 years.

In-House R&D
Research & development undertaken by Malaysian company for their own business.

Kedah, Perak, Perlis and Penang

1. An allowance of 100% on the qualifying capital expenditure incurred within 10 years. This allowance will be set-off against up to 70% of the statutory income.

2. Unutilised allowances are allowed to be carried forward to the following year until fully utilised.

R&D Company
Research on science or  technology including Industry 4.0 for the production/ improvement of materials, equipment, products or processes.

Kedah, Perak, Perlis and Penang

1. An allowance of 100% on the qualifying capital expenditure incurred within 10 years. This allowance will be set-off against up to 70% of the statutory income.

2. Unutilised allowances are allowed to be carried forward to the following year until fully utilised.
E. Agriculture

Seed R&D Centre

Kedah and Perlis only

1. Income tax exemption of 100% of statutory income for 10 years; OR

2. An allowance of 100% on the qualifying capital expenditure incurred within 5 years.
Perak and Penang only

1. Income tax exemption of 70% of statutory income  for 10 years (5 + 5); OR

2. An allowance of 70% on the qualifying capital expenditure incurred within 10 years.

Seed R&D Centre

Kedah and Perlis only

1. Income tax exemption of 100% of statutory income for 10 years (5 + 5); OR

2. An allowance of 100% on the qualifying capital expenditure incurred within 10 years. This allowance will be set-off against up to 70% of the statutory income.

3. Unutilised allowances are allowed to be carried forward to the following years until fully utilised.

4. Industrial Building Allowance for 10 years on building used for Seeds R&D Centre operating in Kedah Science & Technology Park (KSTP).

5. Tax deduction for 5 years on cost incurred to acquire property rights with condition that the Seed R&D Centre is at least 51% Malaysian owned.

Approved Agriculture Project

Kedah, Perlis, Perak and Penang

1. Income tax exemption of 100% of statutory income for 10 years on new project undertaken; OR

2. Income tax exemption of 100% of statutory income for 5 years on expansion project approved by Jawatankuasa Penilaian Insentif Sektor Pertanian (JPISP).

3. Tax deduction for investor company carrying on an Approved Agriculture Project by JPISP.
F. Support Industry


a. Private Institution of Higher Learning

b. Technical & Vocational Education and Training (TVET)

c. International/ Private Schools

Kedah and Perlis only

1. Income tax exemption of 70% of statutory income for a period of limited 5 years; OR

2. An allowance of 100% on the qualifying capital expenditure incurred within 5 years. This allowance will be set-off against up to 70% of the statutory income.

3. Unutilised allowances are allowed to be carried forward to the following years until fully utilised.
G. Special Incentive
1. Selama
2. Perak Tengah
3. Kuala Kangsar
4. Badan Datuk
5. Seberang Prai Utara
6. Seberang Prai Selatan
7. Seberang Prai Tengah
8. Barat Daya Pulau Pinang
Perak and Penang only

1. Income tax exemption of 100% of statutory income for a period of 15 years; OR

2. An allowance of 100% on the qualifying capital expenditure incurred within certain period, will be set-off against up to 70% of the statutory income.
H. Kedah Science & Technology Park (KSTP)

1. KSTP Park Manager

Income tax exemption of 100% of statutory income for 5 years. This approval applies only to the first industrial park manager at KSTP.
2. R&D & Manufacturing activities (Operators)

a. Manufacturing activities in agro-science;
b. Advanced material
c. Information & Communication Technology;
d. Biotechnology;
e. Component R & D;
f. Halal science;
g. Green Technology
1. Income tax exemption of 100% of statutory income for 15 years (5+5+5); OR

2. An allowance of 100% on the qualifying capital expenditure incurred within 10 years (5+5). This allowance will be set-off against up to 70% of the statutory income.

3. Unutilised allowances are allowed to be carried forward to the following years until fully utilised.

4. A 50% stamp duty reduction on transfer or lease of land/building.

5. Import duty exemption on plant and machinery, equipment, spare parts, raw materials and components which are not produced locally and used directly in production activities.

6. This approval is subject to product/service provision from qualifying activity. This approval does not apply to income derived from intellectual property services.
3. Developer
Commercial property development only
Income tax exemption of 70% of statutory income for 5 years.

4. KSTP Global Research Centre (GRC)

Income tax exemption of 100% of statutory income for 15 years (5+5+5).

5. Education
a. IHL and TVET
1. Income tax exemption of 100% of statutory income for 5 years; OR

2. An allowance of 100% on the qualifying capital expenditure incurred within 5 years.
I. Chuping Valley Industrial Area (CVIA)
1. Developer
Commercial property development only

1. Income tax exemption of 70% of statutory income for 5 years for the following income:

a. Disposal of all or part of right or land/building located at CVIA; OR

b. Rental of all or part or the land/buildings located at CVIA.


2. Stamp duty exemption on transfer or lease of land only.

2. CVIA Park Manager

Income tax exemption of 100% of statutory income for 5 years.

3. Waste-To-Resources Facilities Provider

1. Income tax exemption of 100% of statutory income for 15 years; OR

2. An allowance of 100% allowance on the qualifying capital expenditure incurred within 10 years. This allowance will be set-off against up to 70% of the statutory income. Unutilised allowances are allowed to be carried forward to the following years until fully utilized.

3. A 50% stamp duty reduction on transfer or lease of land/ building.

4. Import duty exemption on plant and machinery, equipment, spare parts, raw materials and components which are not produced locally and used directly in production activities.
4. Education

a. Institution of Higher Learning (IHL); and
b. Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET).
1. Income tax exemption of 100% of statutory income for 5 years; OR

2. An allowance of 100% on the qualifying capital expenditure incurred within 5 years. This allowance will be set-off against up to 70% of the statutory income. Unutilised allowances are allowed to be carried forward to the following years until fully utilized.
5. Companies That Undertake Qualifying Activities (Operators)

a. Green Manufacturing;
b. Halal industry;
c. Machinery and equipment;
d. Specialised machinery and equipment;
e. Green Energy Generation
1. Income tax exemption of 100% of statutory income for 15 years (5+5+5); OR

2. An allowance of 100% on the qualifying capital expenditure incurred within 10 years (5+5). This allowance will be set-off against up to 70% of the statutory income.Unutilisedallowances are allowed to be carried forward to the following years until fully utilized.

3. A 50% stamp duty reduction on transfer or lease of land/ building.
J. Kedah Rubber City (KRC)

1.  Manufacturer

1. Income tax exemption of 100% of statutory income derived from Rubber City qualifying activities for 10 years commencing from first year the company generates statutory income; AND

2. Income tax reduction of 50% for 5 years after expiry of the first 10 years; OR

3. An allowance of 100% on the qualifying capital expenditure incurred within 5 years. This allowance will be offset against up to 100% of statutory income for each assessment year.

4. Stamp duty exemption on the instrument of transfer of land or building or lease of land or building used for the qualifying activities in Rubber City.

5. Tax deduction for pre-operating expenses incurred within 4 years before the commencement date of qualifying activity and such expenses shall be deemed to be incurred on the commencement date.

3. Main Developer and Residential and Commercial Developer

1. Income tax exemption of 100% of statutory income derived from Rubber City qualifying activities for 10 years commencing from first year the company generates statutory income; OR

2. An allowance of 100% on the qualifying capital expenditure incurred within 5 years. This allowance will be offset against up to 100% of statutory income for each assessment year.

3. Stamp duty exemption on the instrument of transfer of land or building or lease of land or building used for the qualifying activities in Rubber City.
4. Catalytic Anchor Tenants
1. Income tax exemption of 100% of statutory income derived from Rubber City qualifying activities for 10 years of commencing from first year the company generates statutory income; OR

2. An allowance of 100% on the qualifying capital expenditure incurred within 5 years. This allowance will be set-off against up to 100% of the statutory income for each assessment year.

3. Stamp duty exemption on the instrument of transfer of land or building or lease of land or building used for the qualifying activities in Rubber City.

4. Tax deduction for pre-operating expenses incurred within 4 years before the commencement date of qualifying activity and such expenses shall be deemed to be incurred on the commencement date.
Featured Ideas & Insights Publications Tax

Investing In The East Coast Economic Region (ECER), Malaysia

Investing In The East Coast Economic Region (ECER), MALAYSIA

East Coast Economic Region Malaysia (ECER) as the Gateway to the Asia Pacific Region offers competitive incentives such income tax exemption of 100% for 10 years, stamp duty exemption on land or building purchased for development, customised incentives and also non-fiscal incentives to approved companies.


The East Coast Economic Region (ECER) is an economic corridor established to bring about the socio-economic transformation of the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia. The ECER is Malaysia’s gateway to the ASEAN region and the Far East.

ECER covers the states of Kelantan, Terengganu, Pahang and the district of Mersing in Johor. The  advantages include:-

  • Strong support from Federal and State Governments with pro-business and liberal investment policies;
  • Advantageous geographical orientation Eastern Gateway of Malaysia to Europe, US and Asia Pacific;
  • Strong resources endowment – crude oil, natural gas, tin, timber, palm oil, rubber and others;
  • Competitive land prices;
  • Industrial park ready with infrastructure;
  • Market-oriented economy – exporter of resource based and manufacturing products;
  • Multilingual workforce speaking two or three languages, including English and Mandarin;
  • Large and established foreign business communities in all business sectors;
  • Special incentives and facilitation fund for human capital development for investors in ECER;
  • ECER Development Council is the one-stop facilitation centre to assist investors in dealing with Malaysia Government for their investment in ECER;
  • Competitive wage rates compared to the more developed regions of Malaysia.


  1. Company incorporated under the Companies Act 1965 or Company Act 2016 and resident in Malaysia;
  2. Undertaking a qualifying activity in ECER or has commence a qualifying activity not more than one (1) year from the date of application made and approval by the Minister;
  3. Investors investing in a related company shall own at least 70% equity/paid-up ordinary shares of the company; and
  4. Application to be made on or after 13 June 2008 but not later than 31 December 2020. 


Promoted Activity

ECER Incentives

  1. Selected manufactured and agro-based products.
  2. Selected manufacturing related services.
  1. Tax Exemption:
    • Income tax exemption of 100% for 10 years commencing from the year company derives statutory income; or
    • Income tax exemption equivalent to 100% of qualifying capital expenditure (Investment tax allowance) for 5 years.
  2. Stamp duty exemption on land or building acquired for development.


Promoted Activity

ECER Incentives



  1. Culture and Heritage.
  2. Island tourism.
  3. Mainland coastal tourism.
  4. Cross border tourism.
  5. Eco-tourism.
  6. Health tourism.
  1. Tax exemption:
    • Income tax exemption of 100% for 10 years commencing from the year company derives statutory income; or
    • Income tax exemption equivalent to 100% of qualifying capital expenditure (Investment tax allowance) for 5 years.
  2. Stamp duty exemption on land or building acquired for development.
  3. Withholding tax exemption on royalty and technical fees up to 31 December 2020 for tourism sector only.
  4. Single deduction up to maximum of RM1million for a year of assessment for sponsors of such Hallmark Event approved by ECER Development Council.


Promoted Activity

ECER Incentives

Culture and Heritage


  1. Making of batik, songket or royal tenun.
  2. Making of brassware or silverware.
  3. Making of traditional kites.
  4. Woodcarving.
  5. Selected art and craft projects including print-making or sculpting.
  1. Tax exemption
    • Income tax exemption of 100% for 10 years commencing from the year company derives statutory income; or
    • Income tax exemption equivalent to 100% of qualifying capital expenditure (Investment tax allowance) for 5 years;
    • Stamp duty exemption on land or building acquired for development.
    • Withholding tax exemption on royalty and technical fees up to 31 December 2020 for tourism sector only.
    • Single deduction up to maximum of RM1million for a year of assessment for sponsors of such Hallmark Event approved by ECERDC.


Promoted Activity

ECER Incentives



  1. Cultivation of kenaf, vegetable, fruit, herbs, spices or cocoa.
  2. Biomass Plantation including cassava, acacia mangium, leucana leucocephala.
  3. Planting of Hevea brasiliensis.
  4. Floriculture including ornamental flowers.
  5. Aquaculture.
  6. Inland and Deep sea fishing.
  7. Rearing of cattle, buffalo, goat, sheep, ostrich, turkey and quail.
  1. Tax exemption:
    • Income tax exemption of 100% for 10 years commencing from the year company derives statutory income; or
    • Income tax exemption equivalent to 100% of qualifying capital expenditure (Investment tax allowance) for 5 years.
  2. Stamp duty exemption on land or building acquired for development.
  3. Deduction to the amount of investment made in the promoted project or activity.


Promoted Activity

ECER Incentives

Agriculture – related services


  1. Collecting, processing and packaging of agricultural produce.
  2. Collection and marketing of agricultural produce.
  1. Tax exemption:
    • Income tax exemption of 100% for 10 years commencing from the year company derives statutory income; or
    • Income tax exemption equivalent to 100% of qualifying capital expenditure (Investment tax allowance) for 5 years.
  2. Stamp duty exemption on land or building acquired for development.
  3. Deduction to the amount of investment made in the promoted project or activity.


Promoted Activity

ECER Incentives

  1. Education and training.
  2. Information, communication and technology.
  1. Tax exemption:
    • Income tax exemption of 100% for 10 years commencing from the year company derives statutory income; or
    • Income tax exemption equivalent to 100% of qualifying capital expenditure (Investment tax allowance) for 5 years.
    • Stamp duty exemption on land or building acquired for development.
    • Withholding tax exemption on royalty and technical fees up to 31 December 2020.


Promoted Activity

ECER Incentives

Selected oil, gas and petrochemical products or activities.
  1. Tax exemption:
    • Income tax exemption of 100% for 10 years commencing from the year company derives statutory income; or
    • Income tax exemption equivalent to 100% of qualifying capital expenditure (Investment tax allowance) for 5 years.
  2. Stamp duty exemption on land or building acquired for development.


Promoted Activity

ECER Incentives

1. Approved developers undertaking development in industrial parks or fee zone.

Income tax exemption for 10 years commencing from the year company derives statutory income:-

  • disposal of any right over any land or disposal of a building or rights over a building or part of a building; or
  • rental of building or part of a building.

2. Approved development manager providing management, supervisory or marketing services in relation to the development of an industrial park or free zone.


3. Approved park managers providing park management services including maintenance, marketing and rental of common facilities and utilities services in the industrial park or free zone.

Income tax exemption for 10 years commencing from the year company derives statutory income derived from a qualifying activity.

4. Qualifying person who sponsors a hallmark event.

A deduction equivalent to the amount not exceeding RM1 million for each year of assessment in respect of cash contribution or contribution-in-kind.

Advisory Featured Ideas & Insights Publications

Mergers & Acquisitions

Mergers & Acquisitions

ShineWing provides M&A advisory services for international clients in domestic and cross-border transactions. We offer comprehensive one-stop service at every stage of the transaction, tailored to the specific needs of different types of clients.

M&A Advisory Services

In the fast-changing global business environment, corporates nowadays face more formidable challenges than before in mergers or acquisitions. ShineWing focuses on the needs of corporates and helps clients to effectively navigate complexities throughout the transaction lifecycle, so as to achieve your objectives of overseas market development and business expansion.

ShineWing provides M&A advisory services for international clients in domestic and cross-border transactions. We offer comprehensive one-stop service at every stage of the transaction, tailored to the specific needs of different types of clients.

Transaction Process

1. Transaction Planning Stage

At the early stage of the transaction, we can provide our clients with timely and comprehensive recommendations and devise the best and effective solutions customised for you, helping you to capitalise on opportunities. Our professional services include, but are not limited to:

  • Identify M&A target or joint venture partner both locally and internationally
  • Conduct thorough investigation of the target
  • Develop the plan for market entry and evaluate project feasibility
  • Formulate M&A strategies

2. Transaction Execution Stage

Regardless of the size and complexity of the transaction, ShineWing can provide all-round advice on transaction negotiation and execution, helping clients to realise the best value. Our professional services include, but are not limited to:

(i) Financial and Tax Due Diligence

To minimise the risks associated with the accounting and tax issues of the transactions, ShineWing performs in-depth due diligence.


Financial Position

  • Understand shareholding structure
  • Analyse the structure and trends of profitability and costs
  • Analyse assets and liabilities in detail
  • Assess drivers behind profits and cash flows
  • Conduct an integrated analysis of the target’s financial condition, capital structure, business performance and potential


Tax Position

  • Identify financial and tax issues, and provide recommendations on mitigation
  • Advise on M&A tax structuring


Risk Control

  • Perform sensitivity analysis of revenue projections
  • Highlight key success factors and risk factors
  • Analyse the solutions to the related risks

(ii) Valuation

  • Carry out comprehensive valuation of businesses and assets of the target
  • Adjust purchase price based on the valuation result
  • Review the target’s financial model
  • Assess the rationale of the assumptions
  • Apply appropriate methodologies based on the nature of the deal
  • Provide independent and objective views on valuation

(iii) Deal Advisory

  • Act as the financial advisor to the buy side or sell side
  • Formulate deal negotiation strategy and manage the transaction process
  • Organise meetings and support deal negotiations
  • Devise and build efficient transaction structures
  • Coordinate with different professional services providers on due diligence
  • Assist in seeking government authority approval
  • Assist in the preparation of Sales and Purchase Agreement and develop the financial and commercial terms for the transaction

(iv) Commercial Due Diligence

Commercial due diligence focuses on conducting extensive and in-depth analysis of the target and collecting opinions from industry experts.


Market and Regulatory Environment

  • Evaluate market size and growth drivers
  • Analyse demand, supply and the elasticity of price change
  • Review government regulations and industry policies
  • Review regulatory risks and recommend risk mitigation strategies


Suppliers and Customers

  • Review the target’s supplier selection criteria
  • Evaluate the quality of the target’s customer base and growth potential
  • Assess the value proposition to customers and identify any unmet needs



  • Define the competitive environment in which the target operates and the competitive intensity
  • Analyse the market share of the competitors



  • Assess the business plan and growth strategy of the target
  • Evaluate management capability

3. Post-Transaction Stage

ShineWing can also help clients with the post-merger integration and optimisation. We provide various kinds of follow-on services and help you to build sound and effective management systems according to your needs. Our professional services include, but are not limited to:
  1. Corporate Structure
    Review the corporate structure and develop an effective strategy for integration or restructuring.
  2. Risk Management and Internal Control System
    Devise risk management and internal control policies for the parent company and the new entity, and set up consistent and transparent systems.
  3. Accounting Systems and Financial Reports
    Establish standardised accounting systems and apply unified accounting policies and procedures to the financial reports.
  4. Information System
    Integrate information management systems, with emphasis on management effectiveness of smooth operation.
  5. Human Resources
    Develop proper human resources solutions for the newly merged company, such as employee retention plan, performance and pay structure and human resources integration programme.
  6. Subsidiaries Management
    Establish effective management framework for subsidiaries, with emphasis on the enterprise management system and financial system of the subsidiaries.

Our Credentials in M&A Advisory Services

Over the years, our professional teams have accumulated a wealth of experience in different industries. We can provide all-round support throughout the transaction for clients spanning a range of sectors all over the world, focusing on the unique characteristics and needs of each industry.


The areas where ShineWing has been involved in cross-border M&A deals:


North America

  • A Hong Kong listed company acquired a resort in Canada
  • One of the global largest independent investment management firms invested in an environment technology company in the United States


South America

  • A chemical engineering company in Chile acquired a supplier in China



  • A leading digital map provider in China acquired a provider of automotive navigation services in Holland
  • The largest footwear manufacturing group in Germany sought partnerships in China
  • An electronics group in Sichuan, China intended to acquire a consumer electronics distributor in 11 European countries
  • A large automotive company in China intended to acquire an engineering company in Europe
  • One of the largest providers of fuel retailing solutions in Europe intended to acquire a fuel equipment supplier in China



  • A China and Africa investment fund invested in a logistics company in Africa

Strengths of ShineWing

1. International Network

ShineWing has over 7,000 professionals worldwide. Leveraging the resources of our member firms, our professional teams have in-depth M&A knowledge, with a good understanding of different local markets as well as global vision, offering genuinely international services to our clients.

2. Global Experience

ShineWing has extensive experience in transnational and cross-border transactions. We have successfully assisted our clients in different industries to complete several hundreds of international M&A and investment projects, covering Asia, Australia, Europe, Americas, Africa, etc.

3. Leading Position

ShineWing was named as one of the Top 20 global accounting networks and had been awarded the Rising Star Network by the International Accounting Bulletin (IAB). ShineWing is also widely recognised by statutory and professional institutions. We have offices in at least 24 major cities in China. ShineWing is the leading professional services provider in Asia Pacific.

4. Praxity Global Alliance

ShineWing is a member of Praxity, which has participating firms in over 100 countries operating out of over 690 offices globally. We work closely with Praxity to provide comprehensive international M&A advisory services. We can cater to the needs of clients at different stages, ranging from searching for M&A targets to providing due diligence and tax advisory services.